Monday, September 17, 2007

Judge Mike Miller to Host Hollenbach Fundraiser

Marshall County Judge Executive, Mike Miller, will be hosting a fundraiser for Todd Hollenbach Jr. who is the democrat nominee for State Treasurer. The fundraiser will be a "Buffalo Dinner" which will be held at the Benton Golf and Country Club on Tuesday, October 2.

Buffalo has become popular in Western Kentucky in the last decade or so. I am not a huge meat eater but I became a fan of buffalo meat a number of years ago. Steve Hamrick, a known political operative in Western Kentucky, took me to Kentucky Dam a few years ago where they were hosting a buffalo dinner. I believe Brian Roy was head of the Park at the time and they had one heck of a spread. Buffalo steaks, roast, burger, tacos, ect.. were all served up on a buffet.

This should be a good night for Hollenbach in Western Kentucky. Hollenbach racked up the percentages down here with Calloway, Marshall, Trigg and Christian being four of his top 5 counties in Kentucky.

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