Saturday, February 16, 2008

Steve Collins Appointed to Advisory Commission

Governor Beshear has appointed Steve Collins to serve as Chairman of the Historic Properties Advisory Commission. Knowing Steve as well as I do, I think this was a great appointment for both Steve and the Commonwealth.

Steve's appointment brings much more to the table than just being the son of a former Governor. Anyone who knows Steve can attest to his knowledge and passion for Kentucky History. I got to know Steve well while traveling with him during his campaign for Lt. Governor in 1991. I have never met anyone who has the recall for historical facts, names and places as does Steve.

I asked Steve today how he felt about the work of the Commission and he replied "Kentucky has a wealth of historical properties and it is important that we promote good stewardship of those properties and their contents."

Having an appreciation for Kentucky history myself, I have always thought it was pretty neat that Steve and his wife Diane go to sleep every night in the "Veeps" bed. The "Veep" being of course Vice President Alben Barkley. The bed was purchased by Governor Collin's staff as a wedding present to Steve and Diane. I mentioned the bed today in our conversation and Steve shared with me that Alben Barkley had been laying in the bed when he heard the news that he and Harry Truman had been elected. Apparently Barkley had gone to bed when is seemed as if Dewey was going to be elected.

In the Governor's press release the Commission is charged with the responsibility of "providing continuing attention to the maintenance, furnishing and repairs of the Executive Mansion, the Old Governor's Mansion and the State Capitol."

In regard to the Commission's projects Steve said, that at present he knew that there have been some discussions to restore the Vest-Lindsey House in Frankfort.(Vest-Lindsey House pictured above)

My congrats to Steve and I know he will do a great Job with this task.

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